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March 16, 2020 3 min read

How to Break Off from Work-Related Pain in the Neck with Recovapro?

If you’re an office person, you probably spend much of the day sitting at a desk. This puts you at increased risk for spending prolonged time in poor posture, which can potentially cause you pain and discomfort. As with the infamous “pain in the neck” expression, pain in the  neck is really a bothersome experience that notoriously inflicts discomfort to every desk worker. 

Neck injuries are among the most debilitating workplace injuries because of the chronic pains and the long period of recovery. Sitting for long hours is detrimental as it may compromise both your health, as well as your work efficiency. Your neck ends up feeling achy and stiff and sometimes made worse with tension headaches due increased muscle tension in the back of the neck.

treating neck pain

How Do You Get Pain in the Neck?

Workplace neck injuries are due to repetitive stress imposed on the neck structures. Those with active jobs and those who work in typical offices are both at risk of neck issues. Whatever the case, neck injury can be tough to treat because of the delicate soft tissues in the area, which can take a long time to heal. Over time, simple, repetitive tasks can result in lifelong pain with restricted neck motions. Most of us do not even realize this until significant and persistent symptoms appear, warranting evaluation by a physician or a physical therapist. 

The neck is a sensitive, but a tough structure. The postural muscles at the back of the neck work twice as hard all day to keep the head in proper postural alignment. It continually adjusts to the changing positions of the torso and the body as a whole. Over time, these muscles can weaken and unable to pull the head back creating a forward head posture. This puts strain on the upper back, shoulder, and neck areas resulting in chronic pain.

Ease Off Your Neck Pain in 3 Easy Steps!!!

Here are some easy tips that will go a long way in helping your neck feel better at work.


Neck pain is often related to bad posture. While on a computer, we tend to slouch and assume unhealthy positions. When sitting at your desk, make sure your feet are flat on the floor and your back firmly against the chair. Keep your head in a neutral position with your ears directly above the shoulders. Also, getting rid of the armrests will take the stress off your neck and shoulders.


If you have a desk-bound computer job, take frequent breaks, ideally every two hours and stretch your neck, shoulders and upper body. Simple neck and shoulder rotations can soothe your aching neck muscles. Seated chin tucks for a few seconds can release stiff muscles while in a workplace. To perform it, move your chin down and in toward your neck. Hold for a few seconds, relax then repeat for a few sets.


The Recovapro massage gun delivers powerful deep-penetration, vibration therapy to desensitize your sore neck muscles. It works the surrounding tissue and aching muscles by increasing blood flow to the area, relaxing the stiffness of the neck as a whole. The following specific techniques can be used to address your different needs for your pain in the neck:

  • Using the round head attachment, glide starting from the base of the head at the back of the neck three fingerbreadths behind the ear moving down toward the shoulder following the contour of your upper traps, then back up. Glide slowly back and forth, spending one minute on each side. This helps reduce tension and break adhesions in the superficial fibers. 
  • For deeper penetration, perform stripping techniques with the bullet head following the same movement and direction.
  • Apply steady compression to muscle knots with the bullet head. Hold the gun against the area for 5–8 seconds, or until a tissue release is felt. 

NOTE: As always, start and end with low intensity, gliding motion to warm up the tissues and adjust the speed depending on the technique and desired outcome. Breathe all throughout while performing the treatment and observe care in the amount of pressure applied as this region can be tender and sensitive.


