Experience Comfort and Relief with Recovapro Lite


March 13, 2020 4 min read



Breaking the Ache with Recovapro!!!


pregnancy back pain


For any woman, there is no greater joy comparable to motherhood and bearing a child. Whether you’re a first-time or pregnant with your second, those nine months carrying that little baby in your tummy leading up to his birth are undeniably a life-changing experience. Every woman can withstand anything even the pain of pregnancy, although it can still be really tough on the back.

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common complaints of pregnant women, usually starting in the second half of pregnancy. LBP during pregnancy can be disabling and should not be ignored as it can potentially affect the quality of life.


Understanding the Pregnancy Back Pain

For many pregnant women, one of the biggest complaints is an aching back! It’s been estimated that about half of pregnant women will suffer from some kind of low back pain at some point during their pregnancies. Pregnancy back pain happens at the sacroiliac joint, where the pelvis meets your spine. Pregnancy-related low back pain can be a result of quite a few factors. Here are some of the commonly recognized causes:

WEIGHT GAINIn addition to the growing baby that’s insider her, a pregnant woman can gain as much as a quarter of her body weight, causing the lower back to support the majority of the increased load of the trunk. During pregnancy, women typically gain between 25 and 40 pounds, and the spine has to support all of these, stressing the lower back.

POSTURAL CHANGESPregnancy consequently shifts the center of the body gravity forward. The enlarged uterus and the increase in breast volume tilt the pelvis simultaneously, increasing the hallowing of the lower back. As a result, a pregnant woman may gradually begin to adjust her posture by leaning her trunk backwards most of the time, resulting in back pain or strain.

HORMONAL CHANGES: Low back pain may be secondary to hormonal changes during pregnancy due to increased in hormone called Relaxin. This hormone increases tenfold during pregnancy allowing the ligaments to relax and causing pain and discomfort of the entire back, instability of the pelvis and misalignment of the spine.   

ABDOMINAL MUSCLE SEPARATION: The abdominal muscles of the pregnant woman stretch to accommodate the expanding uterus, causing muscle fatigue and increased load on the spine, which is charged with the task of supporting the majority of the increased weight. This separation worsens back pain.

EMOTIONAL STRESSChanges during pregnancy may be stressful for a woman and can generate emotional stress that can cause muscle tension in the back. 


Treatments for Back Pain in Pregnancy

Backaches during pregnancy will gradually ease before giving birth. Appropriate management may help alleviate the pain and discomfort and reduce the impact on the pregnant woman’s quality of life. Meanwhile, there are many things you can do to cope with low back pain associated with pregnancy:


Do a Couple of Exercises to Strengthen Your Lower Back

Not only that it strengthens your back, exercises also enhance flexibility to help you with your daily functioning. Practice safe exercises designed to ease off the stress on your spine, including walking and swimming. Make sure that exercises be performed in a slow and controlled manner.

Watch Your Posture

Slouched posture strains your back and contributes to back pain during pregnancy. The use of a footstool and back support while sitting are encouraged to take the stress off the back. A pillow placed behind your lower back with one foot on top of a low stool will do the trick. Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your bent knees may also help. When you stand, stand straight with a wide stance, chest high and your shoulders back and relaxed.

Take Time for Frequent Breaks

Try to get plenty of rest in between activities. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods. If you can't avoid it, use a stool to prop up one foot when standing or sitting and make sure to take frequent breaks.

Try Heat or Cold Therapy

Applying heat or cold to your back may help. Use a warm compress, warm water bottle, or heating pad on the lowest setting on the painful area for up to 20 minutes several times a day. Avoid applying heat to your abdomen during pregnancy. Cold compress may also be used, especially when slight inflammation is present.

Avoid Lifting Too Much Weight

Try not to lift anything heavy. If you are to pick up something, make sure to lift correctly by bending down at the knee, not at the waist, and lifting with your legs, not your back.

Perform Pregnancy Stretches

Pregnancy causes tightness of the lower back muscles. Safe and simple stretches can help your back feel better, especially as your pregnancy progresses. It can help you stay mobile, relaxed, and prepare you for labor. More importantly, it can help ease some of the aches and pains while improving your range of motion.


With appropriate and safe settings, percussive vibration therapy through Recovapro can be effective in relieving low back pain during pregnancy.The application of gentle pressures through vibration can significantly reduce muscle pain and increase muscle pain threshold. Follow the Recovapro instruction for low back pain treatment  here.


When to Consult Your Health Care Provider?

The lists are just some of the common fixes for pregnancy low back pain. As always, before diving into the given suggestions, consult your doctor or physical therapist to make sure that each of the suggestions are safe for the both of you and your little one. Your doctor or physical therapist may recommended other management strategies or exercises that are low-impact and pregnancy safe.

If you have severe back pain during pregnancy, see your health care provider for pain medication prescription or other treatments.




