Experience Comfort and Relief with Recovapro Lite


November 17, 2020 3 min read

 recovering from running a marathon

A Pre-Marathon Performance Boosting Recovapro Massage Therapy

Runners train hard to run faster both in the gym to get more muscular legs and out at the track to improve techniques and increase their speed. But effective training isn't just about how intense your training is. Equally important is the amount of recovery period you exerted in between training. Rest and recovery are physically necessary so that your body can repair and rebuild itself in time for the next round of physical beatings and, more importantly, for the big race!!!

Many runners use massage as part of their training programs and attest to its effectiveness. Pre-marathon sessions of massages after training bouts help prevent injury and loss of mobility while restoring your sore muscles' loss of energy. Psychologically, it helps boost mental performance. It's utilized before a race or training as a warm-up and after as a cool-down. And the best part is massage can come in handy, like the Recovapro!

Benefits of Recovapro as a Pre-Marathon Recovery Strategy

As with manual massage, percussion therapy as a pre-marathon massage tool for runners is for recovery. After speed and endurance training, one may feel peg-legged, or the sensation of being unable to bend your legs, and every movement is painful due to a lot of stress your body is subjected to in the running. Recovapro can help manage these stresses so that you can push your body's limits.


Recovery is the primary benefit of Recovapro. It reduces pain and the gravity of muscle soreness after a gruelling workout or marathon. In addition, it reduces inflammation caused by the physical pounding of the training by promoting more circulation to your muscles. This benefit allows a runner to recover faster after a hard session and be ready for another sooner and later. 


For marathon runners, engaging in more workouts or longer mileage is the best way to become a better runner. During intense training, physiological imbalances can increase your chances of injury and premature muscle fatigue. Recovapro can help you to train longer and faster by reducing the risk of injury so that nothing is holding you back. An injury inhibits performance and cuts into valuable training days. 


Recovapro doesn't just revive your sore muscle. Instead, it rebalances your system, supporting your training and allowing you to go harder, better, faster and stronger. The precise technique and intensity that Recovapro releases the built-up tension and pressure and softens your hard-soft tissue adhesions, restoring balance to your body so that you can train more effectively.


Pre-event vibration massage therapy delivered minutes before running a marathon can be an excellent way to help prime your body to perform better. It highly activates and energizes your muscles so that when you hit the track or road, your muscles are already prepared, and your stride could be more energy-efficient.

Recovapro also works quickly to find and release unnecessary muscle spasms, which will help the muscle perform more efficiently during the race. If you are experiencing pain in a specific area just before a race, working that area with lighter strokes can be helpful.  

Given all the benefits, Recovapro boosts your mental power to encourage you to put forth that extra effort to run the extra mile. 

The Takeaway!!!

A post-event Recovapro treatment taps the body's healing capabilities to facilitate relaxation and aids in the restoration of your tired muscles. During your post-event, it will address any specific injuries you have accrued during your run and help reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) by flushing out metabolic waste and bringing in fresh nutrients. Hence, you end up feeling revived and vigorous.

Just as crucial as the post-event therapy is the pre-event bouts of Recovapro. In the runner's world, sufficient recovery between training and after a race is essential to maintain strength and flexibility. In marathon training, recovery is as important as the training itself. Not just the recovery needed after the race but also between the tiring training sessions. 

Your ability to run that extra mile depends on how hard you train yourself for the race and how much rest you've allowed yourself to recover. So whether you're trying to reach a new personal best record or want to push yourself a little harder for a faster and longer run, Recovapro could be the best strategy to keep you with the training pace and also an intervention when injury strikes.






