Experience Comfort and Relief with Recovapro Lite


June 16, 2024 3 min read

Yesterday, as I watched the last few seconds tick off the meter on my treadmill, three more minutes appeared out of nowhere. The predetermined "cool down" phase was about to begin. Before hitting the stop button, I slowed to a quick walk for at least fifteen seconds. Who has the time to relax? Despite the fact that I am well aware of the advantages of a gradual return to baseline following exercise, I don't like wasting my valuable gym time by moving slowly.

Then there are the recovery boots. Recovery boots made by companies like Recovapro are both the subject of extensive discussion threads on triathlon forums and are items marketed by professionals. They are both marketed as compression devices that shorten recovery times and improve training. The big concern regarding these gadgets is: Do they work?


Compression boot manufacturers frequently state that their products maximize or hasten recovery. Decreased muscular soreness, fluid mobilization, toxins reduction, and improved performance are further benefits. Recovery boot systems use compressed air to massage lower limbs in a specified sequence and direction, drawing on methods used for years to treat lymphedema. Instead of static, the applied pressure pulses from the distal to the proximal. Athletes can put on the boots, relax on the couch, and benefit from this passive rehabilitation tool while catching up on the most recent episodes of Game of Thrones that they may have missed.


According to most researchers, the pressure-to-pain threshold (PPT) drops even after just one session. The PPT is a tool for measuring how painful and sore muscles are. According to some research, wearing recovery boots increases muscular flexibility. Dynamic compression is thought to assist the transfer of muscle tissue from a post-exercise gel state to a more liquid condition. Most research also shows significant advantages after anaerobic activity, like strength training. However, recovery boots are unlikely to hasten recovery after strenuous exercise because they have not been associated with decreased levels of inflammatory markers.


What does all of this mean? Research articles qualify and quantify; personal experience accounts from people like you and me are omitted. You can scroll through any triathlon-related social media page and find a ton of racers who say recovery boots are worth every penny. Some people claim they do not experience any variations in their workouts, levels of exhaustion, or muscular soreness. The "how" of using these tools is highly flexible. Some athletes use them for 15 minutes, while others use them for an hour after every session. Of course, every triathlon has an entirely different training regimen.

The point is that recovery boots have plenty of ardent supporters in the triathlon community. However, before you hop on the recovery boot bandwagon, it can be helpful to ask yourself a few questions rather than depending on one or two opinions from internet forums or product reviews:

  • Do you struggle with recovery? A recovery strategy is not necessary if you do not feel constrained by muscle soreness and exhaustion from prior workouts. They do not have any magical powers to propel you forward or beyond. Purchase triathlon equipment with the knowledge that you will use and love it.
  • Have you got enough time to employ a pricey compression boot system? Reality check: You need to be stationary for at least 15 minutes each time you use it, plus you need an outlet (not going to happen on your commute). You might not be the best candidate for recovery boots if you never lie down on the couch at home and consider the walk from the gym to the car to be your cool-down. Even if you don't currently use cool-down periods after your workouts, you could still benefit from longer recovery time at home. Ask yourself honestly if you would take the time to use them.
  • What benefits are you hoping to obtain from wearing recovery boots? A compression device can make sense if your aims involve lessened muscular discomfort and tightness. You will undoubtedly regret investing the money if you believe they would enhance your general performance, lessen inflammation, or allow you to conduct strenuous workouts more frequently.

Recovery boots are not all fads, to put it simply. Several facts back up their assertions. The critical question is: Are they suitable for you? The only way to dispel some of your doubts is to try one for yourself. Test out Recovapro Air!



